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Top : Magazines and Books

Freebie Listings:
  • Book Crossing - A good resource for book lovers, this site, which is free to join, calls itself the "world's library." Here, you can swap your books with an online community of over a million people worldwide who enjoy sharing their favorite books. ( Added: 21-Jun-2016 Hits: 164 Rating: 7(7 out of 10) Votes: 2) Rate It Recommend It
  • BookMooch - At this popular book-exchange site, you can give away books you no longer need in exchange for books you want. Every time you give someone a book here, you earn a point, and you can get any book you want from anyone else at BookMooch. The site is free to use---your only cost is mailing books to others. ( Added: 3-Jun-2016 Hits: 170 Rating: 7(7 out of 10) Votes: 2) Rate It Recommend It
  • Car magazine subscription - Click the "get this deal" link and fill out the survey to see if you qualify for a free subscription to "Car and Driver" magazine. (U.S. only). ( Added: 26-May-2016 Hits: 173 Rating: 7(7 out of 10) Votes: 2) Rate It Recommend It
  • Free Christian book - Call the toll-free number, or fill out the online form to request a free copy of "Warning: Revelation is About to be Fulfilled," a 180-page book by Larry Wilson that "reveals the outcome of prophecies" in the Bible. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. (U.S. only). ( Added: 19-Jun-2002 Hits: 8482 Rating: 9.50(9.50 out of 10) Votes: 4) Rate It Recommend It
  • Free Christian booklet - Click the "free gift" button and fill out the form to request your free copy of "Secrets of Peace," a 31-page booklet that will "take you on a treasure hunt through God's Word." From Light Bearers Ministry. (International availability). ( Added: 1-May-2002 Hits: 8730 Rating: 7.00(7.00 out of 10) Votes: 4) Rate It Recommend It
  • Lancaster travel guide - Fill out the form to request a free copy of the "Lancaster, Pa. County Map & Overnight Getaway Guide." This travel guide includes a Pennsylvania Dutch map, as well as coupons. (International availability). ( Added: 13-Feb-2015 Hits: 382 Rating: 7(7 out of 10) Votes: 2) Rate It Recommend It
  • Project Gutenberg - A marvelous resource that rounds up the world's free public domain books and makes them freely available as e-texts that you can download. Although you won't find the latest bestsellers here, (or any books still in copyright), you will find a treasure trove of classic books, from authors like Shakespeare, Poe, Dante, Lewis Carroll, and thousands of others. ( Added: 3-May-2001 Hits: 9633 Rating: 10.00(10.00 out of 10) Votes: 12) Rate It Recommend It
  • - This site offers a directory of over 300 trade magazine subscription offers that are "free to professionals who qualify." Note: many of the offers have international availability, but most are U.S. only. ( Added: 8-Aug-2007 Hits: 4224 Rating: 8.67(8.67 out of 10) Votes: 3) Rate It Recommend It
  • Twilight Times Books - This site rounds up a collection of free E-books that are increasingly offered by various publishers across the Web. New titles are added monthly. ( Added: 8-Feb-2000 Hits: 11313 Rating: 9.00(9.00 out of 10) Votes: 2) Rate It Recommend It

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